Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ping Pong, punk rocker in a fur coat

PingPing1, originally uploaded by Jon Fernquest.

Like a daredevil motorcycle stuntman.

He leaps over your lap.

Not into it.

When he was born.

He leaped from the big plane of dogs in the sky.

And Landed in this world.

All alone.

Without any brothers and sisters.

An only child.

Son of albino dog Fang.

Only grandson of Nong Fah, mother of all Shih Tzus.

He can hold his own in any paw to paw combat.

He also has a tender sensitive side to him.

Devoted to my mother-in-law

Whom he loves as dearly as he would another dog.

P.S. Whoops. What I wrote above sounds like I'm calling my mother-in-law a dog.

I love my mother-in-law just as much as I do my wife and dogs (but differently of course).

Don't want anyone to get the wrong idea.


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